Sunday, June 5, 2011

max playing with a jelly fish


  1. Nice character appeal in expression. Good to see use of movement in Max, and his body smoothed out as well, definitely adds to overall appeal. The jellyfish's arc is smooth and accurate.

  2. I do like that Max is juggling him :D a puffer fish. You really get that feeling from it. Its a good idea!
    Just something though to put out there; some more arc in the fish's path taking air would be nice. A more naturalness.

    I really like your concept, very funny. Keep it up <:

  3. Love Max's expression! :) Definately the face you'd pull from holding a jellyfish hahah
    He's got a good pose and i love how his head follows the movement of the jelly fish.
    Great character design too! :)
    From Michelle :))

  4. Some good positive critiques. I find it appealing that you incorporated some animation of the Max character. I agree that the arc is also appealing but could be pushed with some extra timing and a more extreme arc.

    You have a good collection of 3D animation on display in your blog.
